Lakeville's New Reprecincting Boundaries- 2022 PRECINCT MAP

2022-View Map of the Newly Updated Precinct Boundaries
New Boundaries

Dear Lakeville Resident,

Every ten years, after each federal census, State law (MGL 54§2) requires each city and town to create new precinct boundaries.  The law requires that voting precincts established by a city or town must meet the following requirements:
  • Each new precinct must be “composed of compact and contiguous territory”.
  • Precincts must be bounded by the center-line of streets or other well-defined boundaries such as streams or other bodies of water, railroad tracks, power lines or other clearly visible geographic figures.
  • No precinct may contain more than 4,000 residents (not voters).
  • Every precinct’s population must be within five percent of the average precinct population for that town.

The 2020 Federal Census results for Lakeville revealed changes in Lakeville’s population. Although Lakeville’s total population grew by 1.08%, that growth was not evenly distributed across the Town’s three (3) voting precincts. Some precincts grew more than others, which caused an imbalance in the number of residents in each of our three (3) voting precincts.  Precincts can only be changed every ten years and must incorporate future growth for the next ten years.

To comply with Massachusetts General Laws, Lakeville was required to make changes to our existing precinct borders to balance the population among the precincts, thus balancing the representation. This is referred to as “Reprecincting.” The result of the changes to precinct borders means some Lakeville voters will be voting in a different voting precinct in Lakeville than where they last voted. The change to precincts is effective for the April 4, 2022 Annual Town Election and all elections thereafter.

The vast majority of Lakeville voters are not affected by the required changes. The precinct borders of Precinct 1 have NOT changed. However, Precinct 2 & 3  have changed as shown on the map.

I would personally like to thank both Nate Darling, Building Commissioner and Norman Taylor, Assessment Specialist for their help with this tedious, time-consuming process. On October 12, 2021 the Select Board voted to approve the Reprecincting lines and on October 27, 2021 the State also approved our new legal  descriptions along with the new map.  If you are interested in reviewing the new precinct lines and legal descriptions we submitted, please click on the attachments below.


Any residents whose precinct has changed will receive a letter before the April Local Election, apprising them of a change in their precinct.  We will have registrars or pollworkers at the polls to help direct people to their respective precincts.

Streets that changed precincts- see attachment

Any questions or concerns, please call our office at 508-946-8800.

Thank you,

Lillian M. Drane, Town Clerk