Elections / Town Meetings

By General by-law, the Annual Town Election is held on the first Monday in April of Each year at the Loon Pond Lodge at the Ted Williams Camp from Noon until 8:00 P.M. Results will be posted on this web page. To view election ballot, please click here.

Also by General by-law, the Annual Town Meeting is held on the second Monday of May each year at 7:00 P.M. unless the Selectmen vote to postpone to another time certain. The number of signatures of registered voters needed to get an article on the warrant is ten.

A special Town Meeting can be called at any time and for any reason by petition of 200 registered voters of the town to the Selectmen or by the Selectmen themselves. If the Selectmen call the Special Town Meeting, the number of signatures needed to get an article on the warrant is 100.

The number of voters necessary to constitute a quorum at any town meeting shall be 100, provided, however, that a number less than a quorum may adjourn the same.